Monday, August 15, 2011

A letter to young ladies from God

I ran across this "letter " on the internet. It touched me so deeply because most of the things mentioned i have dealt with or am dealing with. So i am sharing with you and encouraging you that if you feel low, depressed and worthless JESUS loves you!!

Dear Daughter,

I want to remind you today that you are beautiful. As you know ther is a father of lies who will try to decieve you. He will tell you that you aren't pretty enough, good enough smart enough. He will tempt you to doubt ME and then, after you do, he will accuse you of being a failure. He will also tell you that you have broken to many promises, lived one to many lies, and fallen one to many times. He will try to discourage you and tell you you've been going in the wrong direction and it is pointless to turn back now. "You," he hisses, "are unimportant to God."

Guess what? You do not belong to him. He is not your father. I AM. I am your King. You are born of my thought! Every part of you i carefully put together by MY hands. You have my thumbprint on your life. You are my workmanship! You are my creation ! You are my Joy! My very own daughter !

You are not loved because you are precious. You are precious because you are me your KING! There is nothing that can seperate you from my love. There is no ocean to deep. There is no mountain to high. Yes sin did change my perfect creation.Yes, you live in a broken, fallen world. Every human in born in sin because of Adam and Eve's disobedience. However, i could not turn my back on them . I will not turn my back on you.I robed myself in flesh and came to earth to pay for you with my own blood. I am your redeemer and you are covered with My grace. I have done everything there is to do and given all there is to give-for you! Your life is precious because i created it and redeemed it! My love for you is everlasting, unfailing and eternal.

The father of lies may wisper in your ear, "did God really say...?" He ignites flames of doubts. But i am unchangeable. My word is truth. I desire to spend time with you, every moment of every day. My love for you never grows cold. My promises are never broken. My character never changes. You, my child, have been made in my image. You are beautiful. You have purpose. You have destiny you have hope in every situation, because of Me.

I love you unconditionally, dearly and completely. I know your emotions. I see your tears. i see your thoughts. When you don't want to pray, My spirit prays for you with words deeper than any sigh. i know all about you. I know your secrets, fears, weaknesses and failures. None of this changes my love for you. My faithfulness is eternal. Learn of Me! Believe Me! Trust Me! Find order in the midst of your chaos with Me. Begin each day with me. Calm your nights with Me. Entrust your heart to me, I hold it close to my own.

~Your heavenly Father/Your king



  1. Finding identity in God is so important especially for young girls . Im glad I did even though it was much later. if only we only saw ourselves the way God saw us

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